Interview with a Vampire Response

This was an interesting story, and QUITE long, which I didn't expect. I'll be upfront about this, I cheated a little and used a plot summary to help me understand what was going on. I still read the entire thing but I’m a slow reader and I miss a lot of things. I definitely need visuals to help me understand anything.

I love the setting! Louis is from New Orleans, I’m from New Orleans, it was a nice connection. Speaking of connections, it seems the most important connections have to do with being a vampire. Everyone was or turned into vampires: Claudia, Lestat, even Daniel turns into a vampire at the end. And it also has something to do with death or immortality. Louis loves Claudia so much that instead of feeding off of her, he turns her into a vampire so they can live together. It’s something he couldn’t do for his wife and child unfortunately.

I found it weird that only Santiago could read people’s minds? Why can’t the others do the same? I understand it’s probably for plot reasons (it definitely is, that fuels the climax), but if you establish a power that vampires can possess, you can’t just delicate it to one character. I thought the plot could have been way more interesting if say Louis or Claudia had that power as well and they and Santiago have a mental war between each other. Then maybe you could have killed Madeline and Claudia off in a more unique way than just “sunlight.” But what do I know right?

While I’m ranting about details that don’t need to be questioned, how or why is Lestat in San Francisco? And how is it that he found Daniel’s car? Does HE have mind reading powers too? And honestly, I’m right there with Louis when Daniel asks to be a vampire. Like why would you want to be a vampire when it means having no connections with anyone (except maybe other vampires) and suffering your whole life? And it’ll last forever so it’s even worse! But anyway, Lestat just randomly showing up out of nowhere didn’t really work for me.

I know I didn’t have much to say, but I did enjoy the premise of this story! I’m definitely a fan of fantasy and that genre. I love how most of it is set in my hometown, and the characters are pretty interesting on their own. I just wish the story was a little more thought out and fine-tuned. Overall, would recommend to others!


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